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Post  Special K Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:51 pm

Profile Form - Page 2 Anime

Nickname: Indy

Age: 16

First Name: Indigo

Middle Name: Elnora

Last Name: Agalia

Gender: Female

Maker: (If Vampire/Werewolf)

Vampire/Human/Zombie/Witch/Werewolf/HostEtc: Human

Coven/Clan: (If Vampire or Werewolf)

Occupation (Student/Teacher/Random Street Person): Student

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): Greek

Distinguishing Characteristics: 2 tatoos, a teardrop shaped one under her left eye, and onethat says Αγαπη ειναι η ζωη on her right should blade

Height: 5" 7;

Weight: 136

Eye/Hair: Hair is brown, eyes blue, but she dyes it regularly and almost always has color contacts in

Mental/Physical Disorders:

Quirks: She's practically deaf when she's reading, she's very nerdy, and overly happy

Personality: She's happy and outgoing, and quite odd. She's and actress, so somedays she'll play other people

Talents: speed reading, impersonations, photographic memory

Hobbies: Reading, internet, and her ipod

History: She lived in greece originally, but her mom moved after her parents got divorced, she's an only child and is outgoing, but likes to be alone.

Powers/Equipment: Her big book of everything, and her ipod you can always find on her, and her hair dye

Powers: (are you psychic or just plain normal?) normal

Inventory: Ipod, her books, hair dye


Strengths: Anything that has to do with books

Weaknesses: Any book she doesn't have, and someone who knows something she doesn't, hair dye

some pictures of her with her hair dye and contacts
Profile Form - Page 2 Anime_girl
Profile Form - Page 2 Anime-Girl
Profile Form - Page 2 Anime_girl
Profile Form - Page 2 Anime_girl_
Profile Form - Page 2 Girl
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Profile Form - Page 2 Anime
Profile Form - Page 2 Anime-girl
Special K
Special K

Posts : 33
Join date : 2008-02-13
Age : 31
Location : in your pants 8=>

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Post  Kimo<3Ddraiman Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:46 pm

Profile Form - Page 2 Haru

Profile Form - Page 2 Hatsuharu

Profile Form - Page 2 HatsuHaru

Nickname: Haru

Age: 15

First Name: Hatsuharu Sohma

Middle Name:

Last Name: Sohma

Gender: Male

Maker: (If Vampire/Werewolf)

Vampire/Human/Zombie/Witch/Werewolf/HostEtc: human/ ox AkA: cow

Coven/Clan: (If Vampire or Werewolf)

Occupation (Student/Teacher/Random Street Person): student

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): japanese

Distinguishing Characteristics:can be cocky.. Piercings in both ears..two in each. Wears necklaces, has natural white hair with natural black underneath. Is Bisexual. Can and will turn into "Black Haru" without even noticing sometimes.


Weight: 126 lbs

Eye/Hair: gray ...white and black

Mental/Physical Disorders: Cursed

Quirks: always looking for fights

Personality: Happy most of the time. Gets pissed off if someone gets in his way or affends his family. Or someone says the cow is stupid for having the rat ride on his back..

Talents: parties like a rockstar

Hobbies: Being so cool water freezes and so hot water evaporates...at the same time O_o

History: Was picked on for a while until he started to believe he was different from what people said.

Powers/Equipment: His body

Powers: (are you psychic or just plain normal?) normal..but can turn into a cow

Inventory: necklace, ipod, rocker clothes, earrings

Advantages/Disadvantages: Can get out of hand when in "black haru" mode.

Strengths: Knowing he is not stupid even though others say the cow is...

Weaknesses: Losing his loved ones

Posts : 7
Join date : 2008-02-04
Age : 33
Location : In a room...*stuffs sexy man back in my room*...enjoying myself *-_- ...dirty minds..

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Post  Akatsuki<3 Thu Feb 14, 2008 5:14 pm

Profile Form - Page 2 Anime_rainbow
Profile Form - Page 2 194682cmejjtb87j



First Name: Damien<3

Middle Name:

Last Name: Ivette

Gender: Male

Maker: (If Vampire/Werewolf)

Vampire/Human/Zombie/Witch/Werewolf/HostEtc: Human

Coven/Clan: (If Vampire or Werewolf)

Occupation (Student/Teacher/Random Street Person): Student, Brother to Darian

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): French
Profile Form - Page 2 _hot
Distinguishing Characteristics: He's got the family black hair but often steals his sister's hair dyes and goes crazy sometimes. He's short for his age and he has his tongue pierced that his sister did for him. He loves candy, you'll never see him with out his faithful lollipop



Eye/Hair: Family purple eyes and Black hair

Mental/Physical Disorders:

Quirks: He's always looking for trouble, and causing it. He likes to go on "adventures" that usually end with somebody in big trouble

Personality: Crazy, he loves to party and do daring things

Talents: He's pretty good at getting away with just about anything he does

Hobbies: Listening to his headphones, eating candy, Doing crazy things, sewing and making his own clothes

History: TBA with Darian's


Powers: (are you psychic or just plain normal?)

Inventory: Candy, various things he uses to do his devious acts


Strengths: His awesome persuasive skills

Profile Form - Page 2 Rainbow-3

Last edited by on Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:36 pm; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 118
Join date : 2008-02-04
Location : Arkham Asylum, Gotham city


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Post  Akatsuki<3 Thu Feb 14, 2008 6:12 pm

Profile Form - Page 2 Cake
Profile Form - Page 2 Bscap0018
Profile Form - Page 2 Ltan17
Nickname: L


First Name: Ryuzaki

Middle Name:L

Last Name:Lawliet

Gender: Male

Maker: (If Vampire/Werewolf)


Coven/Clan: (If Vampire or Werewolf)

Occupation (Student/Teacher/Random Street Person): Teacher [Deductive reasoning, logical thinking class]

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): Japanese

Distinguishing Characteristics: He has a mop of shaggy black hair on the top of his head and really big eyes that usually have black rings under them from lack of sleep because of an overactive mind. And really pale skin because he doesn't go outside too often

Height: 5'9


Eye/Hair: sparkling grey eyes with black hair

Mental/Physical Disorders: He doesn't like to call it a disorder..but an advantage. He doesn't sleep but refuses to call it insomnia and he is often called mental at the weird and frightening deductions he makes about people

Quirks: He has several quirks such as preferring to crouch rather than sit, loving sweet foods like desserts and fruits, and holding items very delicately.

Personality: Soft spoken, he has an unusual sense of humor finding weird things hilarious, he's not easy to get along with if he suspects you of something big.

Talents: He's a genius, His powers of deduction and insight allow him to draw conclusions from the smallest of clues,He tends to second-guess everything he is presented with, and is extremely meticulous and analytical.

Hobbies: Eating sugary dessert foods, Playing mind games on people

History: When growing up he was raised in an orphanage, seeing his parents died when he was really young. Him knowing nothing about his parents inspired him to learn how to be a detective. Ryuzaki is still a detective but prefers teaching at Ouran highschool. Knowing he is passing his mad skills on to younger generations makes him feel that the future is going to be bright.

Powers/Equipment: Extreamly smart

Powers: (are you psychic or just plain normal?) Genius

Inventory: Sugar packets to feed his addiction, a bag with a pair of socks and shoes because he doesn't like wearing them unless he has to


Strengths: His intelligence

Weaknesses: he has a strange addiction to sugar.
Profile Form - Page 2 LDeathNote
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Join date : 2008-02-04
Location : Arkham Asylum, Gotham city


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Post  Sound Katelyn :] Fri Feb 15, 2008 4:45 pm

Profile Form - Page 2 153e1c59

Her dog's name is Yuffie. Cute little dog.

Nickname: K.D.

Age: 14

First Name: Kaede

Middle Name: Rei

Last Name: Yureu

Gender: Female

Maker: (If Vampire/Werewolf)


Coven/Clan: (If Vampire or Werewolf)

Occupation (Student/Teacher/Random Street Person): Student

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): Irish, Japanese

Distinguishing Characteristics: She always carries her sword, she has a scar under her right eye from something that she will never speak of. Her dog, Yuffie, is always at her side no matter what. You'll never see her without Yuffie and you'll never see Yuffie without Kaede.

Height: 4'6

Weight: 156

Eye/Hair: Red eyes, like her family...and black hair, but has different colors in replace of the blond in the picture i showed.

Mental/Physical Disorders: None

Quirks: Her best feature would have to be is her looks, everyone loves her for her body, nothing else. But maybe, just maybe, she'll find someone that likes her for who she is, not just for her body.

Personality: Just like her sister, just a lot more nicer.

Talents: Instruments: Flute, Piano, Violin

Hobbies: Learning new jutsu's with Yuffie.

History: (filling this out for my whole family!!!) Her mother and father died in a terrible accident that she will never forget about. (you won't find this out till waayyy later but she killed her parents.)

Powers/Equipment: Random jutsu's with her dog Yuffie.

Powers: (are you psychic or just plain normal?)

Inventory: A pack of smokes in her pocket, sword on her back, her dog, her scar on her right eye.


Strengths: Her dog and her combo (kinda like Kiba and Akamaru)

Weaknesses: Her sister.

Last edited by on Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:53 pm; edited 3 times in total
Sound Katelyn :]
Sound Katelyn :]
Posting princess
Posting princess

Posts : 66
Join date : 2008-02-05
Location : In a dark world. Where everyone else is.

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Post  Rouge_Taylor Fri Feb 15, 2008 8:07 pm

[img]Profile Form - Page 2 570[/img]
[img]Profile Form - Page 2 Whitecharity[/img]
[img]Profile Form - Page 2 Emo-2[/img]
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[img]Profile Form - Page 2 Sexy-anime[/img]


Nickname: Alex

Age: 18 (Senior)

First Name: Alexia

Middle Name: Keira

Last Name: Ogge

Gender: Female


Vampire/Human/Zombie/Witch/Werewolf/HostEtc: Supermodel/Hostess


Occupation (Student/Teacher/Random Street Person): Student

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): I believe my mother is American and my father Japanese, but in such cases that he is dead and she refuses to speak of him, I can never be completely sure...

Distinguishing Characteristics: I don't know if you'd call it distinguishing, but I have silver hair and golden eyes...though to tell the truth my true eyes are never seen much in this world of colored contacts....Another thing about me would be the way my body is shaped, with fill curves and miles of leg...

Height: 5'11, though this is my photo shoot height, when they add heels, my actual height is around 5'9

Weight: 134, though hopefully at school when I'm not running to shoots every hour of the day I will gain more, bones are not an attractive look

Eye/Hair: I have long silky silver hair, that I will not allow the agents to dye; hair that reminds me of my father, he too had silver hair. Than of course I have golden eyes, also like him, making my mother insist on color contacts; thankfully I do not look like her with bleached blonde hair browing at the roots, and washed out blue eyes...thankfully I am nothing like my mother...

Mental/Physical Disorders: What do you call an anorexic bulimic teenager? Alexia, me, when I was so caught up in the ideal images my mother wanted me to have that I was nearly a walking bone pile...

Quirks: :[img]Profile Form - Page 2 Kumos_chibi[/img]
Most people assume models are self centered and unappealing people on the inside but truthfully I'm just lonely, and tired...which is why I want to go to school...oh and that cute little fellow? That's Link my faithful fox companion, we met on a shoot and haven't been apart.

Personality: I try to be as kind to people as possible, but all most see is a pretty face or worse a hot body. I never asked for it, and when men throw themselves at me I feel guilty about the women they leave at home, I feel guilty, alone, heartsick...and unloved. I guess when I have to be I can be spunky and outgoing but on the inside I feel...dead...

Talents: Talents, not falling in five inch heels? Naw that isn't good enough...I guess playing the violin, its my passion, though I never get to shoot with anything musical least it take away the sex appeal...but when I feel the wood in my had and the bow...when it touches my skin its like magic...

Hobbies: I honestly like to study and read, I'm not a stupid model (and believe me I've met plenty), but I don't have time for hobbies, nor will my mother allow them I'm barely able to keep my violin.

History: To me every picture tells a different story, and my pictures can tell my life story more than anything. My first photo shoot took place barely within the reaches of my memory. I was maybe four, and I remember a great room and all these people in it and they were all making jokes, getting me to smile and laugh. I was happy than, when they told my mother and father, that I had talent I had the gift. Than I got older, and I couldn't go to school anymore, I was sad....so sad that in my eyes you can see it...that's how my first 'look' came about, I regret showing those sad eyes now..

As I grew up and got older, I realized that I was never going to get out of this life...my father was dead and all I had was my mother, the former beauty queen. So I embraced the model life, I started to party and doing anything I could to stave off the hollowness inside. I showed up high to so many photo shoots...huh and than I started to stop eating, throwing up what little I did force down. The comment was 'This needs to be taken out...' My mother held up the new dress I was to wear to an awards show, my favorite dress. So I became the skinnny model, until a trip to the ER...

Thankfully I left the skinny teen years behind me when I sprouted breasts, and gained a figure. Though thinking back on it now perhaps I would have been better off dying in that ER. I was fifteen the day we started with my new image. I'd had the sweet and innocent, the party girl...now according to my mother I had to start 'blossuming'. So I blossumed, wearing skin tight kimonos, that barely concealed clevage, a high class boyfriend that I couldn't stand; and all for what? So that he could publicaly dump me for publicity, and I in back lash would show him 'what he was missing out on.'

I was a puppet on strings, being jerked around by my mother...Soon my strings would snap and I would crummple to the floor. To show my ex, what he was missing out on we signed with a new magizine that focused on young men. That first shoot I was in nothing by underwear that barely fit over my tight body, they told me to act sexy. Looking back at those pictures, all I see is a scared girl in panties, trying to please her insatible mother. I slowly started loosing clothes and gaining props, a shirt, a cape, maybe a hat.

A sex symbol I was, over night completely re-vamped, and everyone knew my face. I modeled perfume, water, shoes, anything that involved me in barely no clothes. I became the envy of every woman I met, but I was dying inside, and slowly slipping away to nothingness. No one cared, no one could see me, for who I was. Another trip to the ER, soon cured my mother and agent (who will soon be my step-father). Still I modeled naked, to 'pay the bills' with other woman...and men. I hated my life, hated me, and than I saw a ray of hope.

My body had to be in perfect shape for them to use me...so I would make the outside match the in. I 'fell' off of a six story building...and lived. Than the media got involved, I was was taken away from my mother for a period of six months. They asked me what I wanted to do with my time, and I said go to school. So finally I get to be around others my own age, but most of them are younger, and they all know my face...Maybe school will be hell too...

Powers: Powers? Maybe powers of seduction, heh what a waste what a crock, if you really want to know...precognition that's what I can do. See the future, how many have I seen die and than five minutes later talk to them...only to find out the next day their dead...I see good things too...sometimes

Inventory: My clothes and my foxy fox Link


Strengths: My strengths? I'm not strong I never have been, I've never been able to stand up to anyone...not even my step-father...or the other models who only wanted something from me...And I'm not proud of it, but it almost feels like I deserve it...

Weaknesses: I am weak, so I can have no weaknesses...that has to be it...not to mention my addiction to chocolate...

Posts : 295
Join date : 2008-02-05
Age : 34
Location : It's dark and scary, and...hey look a cookie

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Profile Form - Page 2 Empty Re: Profile Form

Post  Kimo<3Ddraiman Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:03 pm

Profile Form - Page 2 Punk
Profile Form - Page 2 Studystudy

Nickname: Niko (only with people close)


First Name: Akane

Middle Name: Sloan

Last Name: Noriko

Gender: female

Maker: (If Vampire/Werewolf)

Vampire/Human/Zombie/Witch/Werewolf/HostEtc: human

Coven/Clan: (If Vampire or Werewolf)

Occupation (Student/Teacher/Random Street Person): student

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): eh, a mix

Distinguishing Characteristics: easily angered..eyes change with different emotions, bright green - happy, purple - concentration, indigo - sad, red - angry. black - mischevious. Hates leaving her dog Griffin alone. Has very good hearing, but loves loud rock and metal music

Height: 5'8...and a 1/2

Weight: 185

Eye/Hair: black with red highlights..changes colors alot for highlights

Mental/Physical Disorders: none.

Quirks: Profile Form - Page 2 DOG Spends to much time with her dog.

Personality: Is usually a happy/laid back girl. Is usually found walking around with ipod on. If you find her she can't hear you, or will ignore you if you annoy her. Loves her friends and would take the bullet for them.

Talents: Gives great hugs. Can hack into people's account if she knows a lot about the person..or enough. Can wiggle her ears Razz

Hobbies: Listen to music. Some sports.

History: Her past was average. Murders in the family made her a stronger person. So now she doesn't take things to heart and deals with people herself. If one little thing pisses her off, she grows in hate. Grew up with an authority figure, working mom and a lazy brother.

Powers/Equipment: Fists.Dog.

Powers: (are you psychic or just plain normal?) Can talk to her dog through her mind.

Inventory: Ipod...cd's...rocker clothes...extra hair dye just in case

Advantages/Disadvantages: Gets angered easily. Is more powerful when listening to music during a fight. Can't be calmed down without listening to HER music..and is muscluar.

Strengths: hearing, will power.....if willing enough.

Weaknesses: Losing loved ones, thinking bad about herself. Her favorite bands lead singers voice

Posts : 7
Join date : 2008-02-04
Age : 33
Location : In a room...*stuffs sexy man back in my room*...enjoying myself *-_- ...dirty minds..

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Profile Form - Page 2 Empty Re: Profile Form

Post  Special K Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:28 pm

Profile Form - Page 2 PENGUIN

Nickname: Izy

Age: 1

First Name: Isabelle

Middle Name: The

Last Name: Penguin

Gender: Male

Maker: (If Vampire/Werewolf)

Vampire/Human/Zombie/Witch/Werewolf/HostEtc: PENGUIN

Coven/Clan: (If Vampire or Werewolf)

Occupation (Student/Teacher/Random Street Person): indy's pet

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): antartic

Distinguishing Characteristics: he's a penguin, AND COMPLETELY ADORABLE

Height: 2 ft ish?

Weight: 15lbs

Eye/Hair: eye - black? fur/feathers - black y white

Mental/Physical Disorders: he waddles

Quirks: he loves people, and he likes to lick peoples ankles

Personality: cute

Talents: he can hypnotise you, WITH HIS CUTENESS

Hobbies: sleeping, eating, being cute

History: Indy got him for her 16th birthday, from antartica

Powers/Equipment: adorableness

Powers: (are you psychic or just plain normal?) normal

Inventory: penguin treats


Strengths: He's adorable!

Weaknesses: Penguin treats, any kind of food, and a good scratch under his beak
Special K
Special K

Posts : 33
Join date : 2008-02-13
Age : 31
Location : in your pants 8=>

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Post  Sound Katelyn :] Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:33 pm

Profile Form - Page 2 Anime_boy

Nickname: F

Age: 14

First Name: Fujita

Middle Name: Haru

Last Name: Yureu

Gender: Male

Maker: (If Vampire/Werewolf)


Coven/Clan: (If Vampire or Werewolf)

Occupation (Student/Teacher/Random Street Person):

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): Irish, Japanese

Distinguishing Characteristics: His blueish purple hair, Red eyes, His lip piercing

Height: 4'9

Weight: 160

Eye/Hair: Red, Blueish purple

Mental/Physical Disorders: None!

Quirks: His best feature is his hair. It's probably his priced possetion!

Personality: He's sorta mean, but is always sweet to a girl.

Talents: Drawing. That's all

Hobbies: Drawing

History: Look at Kaede

Powers/Equipment: His powers are all in his necklace.

Powers: (are you psychic or just plain normal?)

Inventory: Black clothes, and his necklace that he got from his mother before she died.


Strengths: His necklace, he uses it for powers

Weaknesses: Without his necklace, he's powerless. So, his weakness, necklaceless XP
Sound Katelyn :]
Sound Katelyn :]
Posting princess
Posting princess

Posts : 66
Join date : 2008-02-05
Location : In a dark world. Where everyone else is.

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Post  Rouge_Taylor Sat Feb 16, 2008 8:40 pm

Profile Form - Page 2 Vash
Profile Form - Page 2 Vash01 Profile Form - Page 2 Vash_the_Stampede-1 Profile Form - Page 2 Vash_the_Stampede_by_Fumik0 Profile Form - Page 2 CuteVash

Nickname: Prince, Humanoid Typhoon

Age: 21 (Is actually 152)

First Name: Vash

Middle Name: Unknown

Last Name: Unknown

Gender: Male


Vampire/Human/Zombie/Witch/Werewolf/HostEtc: 'Plant' A Being from Space, Best Gunman in the World


Occupation (Student/Teacher/Random Street Person): Teacher, Professional Assassin and Mercinary (who never kills anyone)

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): Alien

Distinguishing Characteristics: Whether its his long spiky blonde hair, or the red trencoat he wears anyone who see's Vash knows not to mess with him, long fingers that appear to contain an extra joint; he also has scars covering his entire body and his left arm is cybatronic.

Height: 6'3

Weight: 161 (Very thin, though he eats all the time never gains weight)

Eye/Hair: Vash has bright shining blue eyes and a beuty mark next to his left eye, his hair is shining blonde that is always spiked up.

Mental/Physical Disorders: Vash is a victum of Muchosers ((this is not spelled right FYI)) syndrom and as a child he was told he was always sick, no now he thinks he always needs new medicine. He was also a victum of child abuse, from his french foster parents and now can not kill anything living.

Quirks: Must eat one object starting with the C in his meal, will risk his life for donuts, and always takes at least four different medications, and introduces himself to student's as Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sicidabohertz Gombigobilla Blue Stradivari Talentrent Pierre Andri Charton-Haymoss Ivanovici Baldeus George Doitzel Kaiser III

Personality: Vash, even though he had a very troubled childhood, believes that everyone deserves a second chance. Most of the time he is carefree and silly (usually this puts everyone at ease with him and they never believe he is who he says he is), though if his friends are in trouble Vash is completely serious.

Talents: Gunfighting, eating donuts, hand to hand combat

Hobbies: Eating donuts and following attractive women around

History: Vash was the only son in of Jon Peire and Claudette Mickson, and from a young age he was groomed to be the best; even though he was adopted. As soon as he was old enough Jon Peire (a track star) gave his son a hand revolver and hired him a coach, from then on Vash practiced at least eight hours a day with his shooting coach and five with his karate instructor (because according to his mother he needed to be well rounded). It was around age five that Vahs began to get mysteriously sick, it never stopped him from competeing but he got to spend a lot of time in the hospital with his mother. Whenever the doctor asked him what was wrong Vash would tell the man exactly what his mother told him to say, by his first shoot-out (junior league age six) Vash was taking four different pills and two inhalents, by his first karate tournament Vash was getting allergy shots in addition to the previous pills and inhalents.

When his illness did not go away, they went to a different doctor, who completely switched all the medicine. This was also when his training would become more intense, he was being bred after all, for greatness. By age nine Vash had no fat on his body and was all muscle, but his skin was waxy pale. You see he wasn't allowed outside due to his strange allergies and had to stay in, sick and practice, both karate and his gun-manship. Not even his tutors were allowed over. At age ten, Vash's gun instructor told Vash's parents that he could never truly be great due to his odd fingers. This led to Vash getting each finger broken and re-set, though he still continued to practice with the casts on.

This continued until Vash's thirteenth birthday. When he went to his mother and complained of stomach problems she brushed him off.

Later that night the butler found Vash lying unconcious on the bathroom floor surrounded by vomit. He was rushed to the hospital where it was discovered his apendix had ruptured and he was slowly becoming a giant toxin. The doctors were able to save Vash but couldn't help but notice all the medicine he was on, a further inquirery led the doctors to discover that in addition to the drugs given by doctors Vash was also being given his mother's and father's medicine.

Vash's parents are currently awaiting a court date while Vash is living with another foster family. He doesn't feel at home with him, due to his odd practice hours, strange eating habits, and nervous ticks when he doesn't take his medicine and hasn't since he moved in with them two years ago. He also discovered his twin brother (who the Mickson's did not want) was living with this foster family.

As soon as they met they knew they were enemies, Knives knew more about their past life and opened Vash's eyes to his secret abilities, which allowed Vash to become even better at shooting. When they were around each other they fought often, and as soon as they left the house; the twins had a huge fight. This ended with Vash loosing his left arm and Knives being shot in the leg.

Vash has been a gun for hire ever since to support his addiction to medication and donuts, this is how he earned his nickname the Humanoid Typhoon and Vash the Stampede (because every place he visits ends up destroyed, even though no one dies). He is currently teaching at Ouran to hide from his previous employeers.


Powers: Extreme agility, very fast and strong. Right arm has the ability to turn into an 'Angel Arm' with is highly destructive, his cybatronic arm has several guns embedded in it, though his favorite weapon is .45 Long Colt or the Angel Gun (he has two, one silver and one dark silver).

Inventory: Guns, sunglasses


Strengths: Is physically strong, good looking, charming, fast, strong, able to shoot and punch his way out of anything.

Weaknesses: Does not know what being sick means, gets nervous tics, donuts, attractive women

Profile Form - Page 2 Vash

Posts : 295
Join date : 2008-02-05
Age : 34
Location : It's dark and scary, and...hey look a cookie

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Post  Sound Katelyn :] Sun Feb 17, 2008 3:06 pm

Profile Form - Page 2 Light
Profile Form - Page 2 Deathnotef
Profile Form - Page 2 Light2

Nickname: Kira

Age: 18

First Name: Light

Middle Name:

Last Name: Yagami

Gender: Male

Maker: (If Vampire/Werewolf)

Vampire/Human/Zombie/Witch/Werewolf/HostEtc: Human

Coven/Clan: (If Vampire or Werewolf)

Occupation (Student/Teacher/Random Street Person): student Teacher

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): Japanese

Distinguishing Characteristics: Shaggy sandy brown hair




Mental/Physical Disorders:







Powers: (are you psychic or just plain normal?)





Bridget won't let me look up information..i will later.
Sound Katelyn :]
Sound Katelyn :]
Posting princess
Posting princess

Posts : 66
Join date : 2008-02-05
Location : In a dark world. Where everyone else is.

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Post  Special K Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:53 am

Profile Form - Page 2 Anime_draco_malfoy
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Nickname: Sexy Rexy Malfoy, Drake

Age: 17

First Name: Draco

Middle Name: Lucius

Last Name:malfoy


Maker: (If Vampire/Werewolf)

Vampire/Human/Zombie/Witch/Werewolf/Hostec: Wizard

Coven/Clan: (If Vampire or Werewolf)

Occupation (Student/Teacher/Random Street Person): Student

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): English

Distinguishing Characteristics: White blond hair, steel gray eyes

Height: 6" 1'

Weight: 178

Eye/Hair: Steel gray, white blond

Mental/Physical Disorders:

Quirks: He's a cross dresser, and has been for years, he secretly loves muggle tv shows (I love Lucy), and secretly wants to bang a muggle, and secretly hugs kittens and campaigns against animal cruelty

Personality: He's a total and complete arrogant asshole

Talents: He can look just like a girl, and he's quite gifted with a wand, in more ways than one

Hobbies: Cross dressing, looking down girls shirts, and making the wind blow to see up their skirts

History: He was kicked out of Hogwarts for grabbing harry potter's butt, and his parents are dead, killed in the wizarding war, filthy rich

Powers/Equipment: His wand

Powers: (are you psychic or just plain normal?)

Inventory: Wand, and cross dressing clothes


Strengths: Good dueler

Weaknesses: A new pair of heels, and some I love Lucy re-runs

(cross dressing)
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Post  Rouge_Taylor Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:36 pm

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Nickname: Dusk

Age: 23

First Name: Andromeda

Middle Name:

Last Name:

Gender: Female

Maker: (If Vampire/Werewolf)

Vampire/Human/Zombie/Witch/Werewolf/HostEtc: Pirate/Assassin/Body Guard/Geisha/Teacher mainly a wanderer picking up whenever she gets the itch


Occupation (Student/Teacher/Random Street Person): Teaches English and Sex Ed at Ouran

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): Blue Blood Japanese, her family is decended from a long line of samuri

Distinguishing Characteristics: The tattoo's that grace her arms, that sweet innocent smile that just screams innocence and I didn't do it, even if she's standing in a pool of blood.

Height: 5'7

Weight: 145

Eye/Hair: Dusk has dark brown hair that black to the untrained eye or in the right light. Many would call her pretty maybe even beautiful if it wasn't for her eyes, harsh and punishing golden pools stare out at you beneath her dusky skin. Her favorite saying is 'No one in the world has eyes like mine, eyes that have seen everything mine have, to look into my eyes means to look inside the eyes...of a monster.'

Mental/Physical Disorders: Feels no remorse for anything she's done in the past, she barely remembers it. Dusk is unable to cry even if her body wants her to, her tears are frozen in her.

Quirks: It's often been said of her that she is one giant quirk, but mostly Dusk is a giant misperception and constantly keeps you guessing what she'll do next, seems to have almost completley random thoughts and actions.

Personality: Sarcastic and tough, Dusk is the one teacher you don't want to piss off. She's like Mugen in a way except that she feels no one should be given a second chance, which is why she isn't allowed to run detention. Dusk has a soft side however, when she's alone at night or sharing her bed, Dusk reflects on her past and remembers her parents and may times feels guilt and remorse.

Talents: Dusk is one of those people who just seem to know everything, she is wicked smart with books and lightning fast with her weapons.

Hobbies: Killing, thinking of strange and new ways to kill people, developing formulas to enhance animal brain functions.

History: Dusk was born in a whore house, that's what her mother was, a dirty whore with no money for an abortion. Dusk grew up in the same whore house, stealing and groveling on the streets to fill her belly along with the other children born of the house. Though her mother was almost always busy, the battered and empty shell of a woman told Dusk that she was the daughter of samauri and to never forget that. As a child Dusk scoffed at this, knowing her mother was off her rocker, but it also intrigued her. What if?

Around age seven Dusk's mother died of a diease that ate her away from the inside; there was no funeral. Simply the owner telling the young girl that her mother was dead and that she owed the house money. Unable to make enough as a pickpocket Dusk considered working at the house. One night she dressed herself up as best as she could and made her way their, but she never reached the house. A man named Shin stopped her and asked her what she was doing. 'I'm going to work off my mother's debts.' Dusk replied cooly, she knew men like this, ones that took pretty girls in the streets and left them to die. Shin nodded 'Where?' He asked and Dusk flipped her hair that hung straight down her back 'The Birdhouse.' Which happened to be the name of her mother's brothel.

Shin had frowned, and in that moment Dusk was sure she recognized herself in him, but she would never know. 'You'll come with me...We'll get you into school and you can pay off the debts in a better fashion.' He took her home and took care of her, allowing her to go to school and once she showed an aptitude for sword work signed Dusk up at a dojo. Life was good until she became a woman. That's when the Birdhouse heard she was alive, they were no longer a brothel but a Geisha house; they held Dusk's life in their hands with a single slip of paper her mother signed.

Ripped away from Shin, Dusk became distant, but she learned the art of Geisha. Her first customer was a man named Hiro, he was twice her age (14) and left her a good tip. Dusk saved her tips and eventually bought herself a train ticket back to Shin's home. Once their Dusk discovered that Shin had died and left her his fortune, though she was unable to claim it until she reached age eighteen. Never wanting to return to the Birdhouse, Dusk took one of Shin's many swords with her.

The next man who bought her ended up dead in his bed, and all assumed Dusk had been stolen away. This was not the case, Dusk had run and was now gaurding the Geisha house. All the young girls brought in ended up free with their captors slain in their sleep. Dusk lived in the 'bad' district of town and learned the ways of a street fighter. Still she could not make ends meat and began work on a ship, that she learned was a pirate ship only after they'd set out.

Dusk was ruthless and any who faced her died. She left the ship with many friends, and soon began to work freelance. She became an assassin for the government, and a body guard to merchants and noble men. Through all this, she learned more and more about the world and knew that she was smarter than all the men she worked for. Dusk, who loves science, in her spare time learned to create a formula that increases the brain mass of animals and now has several super smart companions with her.


Powers: Made a formula that is currently limited to rats and mice, that increases brain mass, allowing Dusk to have an army of super smart animals at her side.

Inventory: Her weapons, and her pet mice Timothy Profile Form - Page 2 Redwall2 and Jonathan Profile Form - Page 2 Martin_lol and her pet rats Justin Profile Form - Page 2 627justin and NicodemusProfile Form - Page 2 Ratatouille And each rat has their own specialty. Timothy is an in training warrior mouse, who is still quite young so he tags along with Jonathan and learns the tricks of the trade. Jonathan is the head warrior mouse who ever lived, he has no fear of humans and will kill them in their sleep if Dusk comands. Justin is the negotiator, quick on his feet he can think of ways out of situations, and Nicodemus the oldest of Dusk's companions is an excellent cook. All of the animals can read, write and are able to speak in human tongue.


Strengths: Strong and quick witted, has a sharp tongue, fast and able to think in battle, her pets act as her informants, and she uses her sex as a tool against all men.

Weaknesses: Cares about children and her pets, is not afraid to die, arrogant

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Join date : 2008-02-05
Age : 34
Location : It's dark and scary, and...hey look a cookie

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Post  ALLIEtheANBUmod Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:28 pm

XXXPictureXXX (Must have at Least One to Get accepted)

Profile Form - Page 2 Train
Profile Form - Page 2 Train

Nickname: Black Cat; XIII

Age: 23

First Name: Train

Middle Name:

Last Name: Heartnet

Gender: Male

Maker: (If Vampire/Werewolf)


Coven/Clan: (If Vampire or Werewolf)

Occupation (Student/Teacher/Random Street Person): Teacher

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): erm. Japanese. I think.

Distinguishing Characteristics: HOT. XIII tattoo on chest. Red ribbon with gold bell always around neck. Tall and lanky.

Height: I don’t know =[

Weight: I don’t know (again)

Eye/Hair: gold eyes/brown hair

Mental/Physical Disorders: He used to be a cold killing machine, but now he’s a quirky happy person who forgets EVERYTHING that is important.

Quirks: He thinks that everything can be solved with a little bit of milk.

Personality: He loves being a teacher, and is always happy when he is teaching. Just don’t cross him or make him look foolish or he will ignore you in a comical anime way.

Talents: He has amazing reflexes and is flexible. (sounds dirty, but it’s true!)

Hobbies: He likes taking long walks and feeds stray cats on the roof. (that he reaches by climbing out from his window.)

History: Zagine was on a mission when he assassinated Train's parents, when Train was 10. But as he did not know that the couple had a child, he was surprised, and asked Train whether he wanted to live or die along with his parents. After Train chose to live, Zagine takes Train under his wing, albeit against Train's will, and pushes him to become powerful, telling him he can only depend on himself. When Zagine is later killed (in the manga) Train is then left to fend for himself. In the manga he is picked up by a powerful man in Chronos at the age of thirteen. In the anime, Train seems to find his way to Chronos on his own. Little else is known about Train's past, including the faces of his parents. No sign of siblings are shown in either the manga or the anime, and it seems he has never had any form of attraction towards another person until Saya.

Powers: 20/20 Vision/Black Crow: Train fires multiple of bullets instantly that breakthrough solid objects and fire, creating a cat claw-like slash. He first used this move to defeat Shiki.

Equipment: Hades, his best weapon in the world, his gun.
(Profile Form - Page 2 TrainHeartnet)

Powers: (are you psychic or just plain normal?)

Inventory: Hades and an unending supply of milk. (?)


Strengths: His sweeper abilities.

Weaknesses: Milk/his hatred for Creed/Saya.

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Post  Rouge_Taylor Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:24 pm

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Nickname: Lily

Age: 18

First Name: Zenus

Middle Name: Lily

Last Name: Ogge

Gender: Female

Maker: (If Vampire/Werewolf)

Vampire/Human/Zombie/Witch/Werewolf/HostEtc: Human

Coven/Clan: (If Vampire or Werewolf)

Occupation (Student/Teacher/Random Street Person): Student/Support system for my sister

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): Japanese/American I know this for a fact, I tracked down my father's records, my sister she just likes to pretend that its all a fairy tale and he'll come back one day...she's quite dilusional

Distinguishing Characteristics: Me? Distinguishing? You would barely even be able to pick me out of a crowd, Alexia's the one everyone wants...which leaves me alone a lot of the time. We have the same body shape, my sister and I but because I'm so...Japanese my mother knew I could never be what Alexia is. So I'm hidden away, and go as her cousin or worse the younger cousin...Guess that's what I get for looking so young.

Height: 5'5

Weight: 120

Eye/Hair: I know my father had silver hair, and my mother brown, so how did I end up with this long black hair that hangs straight down? Genetics, my sister was graced with all the genes that make one truly extraordinary, I on the other hand was given simply long, straight black hair and violet eyes.

Mental/Physical Disorders: Heh, I don't have time for problems, my whole life has been centered on keeping Alexia sane and from killing herself, which I've barely managed.

Quirks: I hate and love my sister, just as she hates and loves herself. I love her because she is my sister, and I share with her something I can share with no one else, and we shared something so intimate that I love her more dearly, but I hate her as well. She forgets, you see, that I am her twin, her sister...well we haven't been sisters since she began her career but I don't hate her for her fame I hate her because...she never remembers me...not even my name.

Personality: I'm a kind person, I never tell my mother no, I never tell Alexia no...I can't even tell my step father no. Maybe that's why when people come near me, I'm shy, afraid they'll find out about my life. The hidden sister, the girl behind the fame, what if they see me for who I really am, will they like me?

Talents: Me? A talent? If being able to hide in a broom closet for three hours, while your sister goes to a movie premeire is a talent...than yes I have a talent. Staying hidden and quiet...

Hobbies: I read a lot, more than I should, I always am involved with school activities but...its hard to go places and all people ask are if you're related to that super model...and I have to say no...

History: I was born, I grew up...in the shadows. My sister became famous, and my father died soon after. We were alone, and my sister and I...those were really the only years we had together. My mother re-married when I was ten. It was than that I started realizing that, I wasn't meant to go places with Alexia...She got tutors I went to public school.

Than she nearly died, I saw her waste away before my eyes and I couldn't help. So I became her keeper...than he started. He told me my mother didn't cut it for him...if I wanted Alexia to be safe I would have to do, even though I was ugly.

I lost my virginity in a small washcloset near our kitchen, I'd been in it cleaning because no maids were allowed in our house. He came in, shoved up my skirt and....I cleaned up the blood, and began to take my mother's birth control.

When Alexia got a boyfriend, he was nice to me. I found out that he only liked me because...because my tits were like Alexia's...When she wouldn't give in, he took me...it got so bad that he and my step father would do it in the same day...I had no friends so I had to go to the library, many times I slept on the steps. The one time, the one time any one saw me...it was for a photoshoot.

They told my mother that they only wanted twins, so she brought in Alexia's younger and unintelligent cousin in...dyed my hair to match hers. We posed together, the only picture we have together out of all our years...and I wasn't even me. Its hard for me to admit that I liked it, and I miss it...if only right?

Though I watched Alexia she got worse and better...and now she brought me to this school. Left me in my dorm alone...and all I can think is...why? Why bring me, if you forget that I'm your sister and not your maid?



Inventory: My books, my brain....the clothes on my back I need nothing else


Strengths: My strenghts are to not keep peoples attention, to disappear when you look right at me, to never be seen, heard or felt.

Weaknesses: Lonleyness and my sister, may be my only weaknesses

Last edited by Rouge_Taylor on Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Location : It's dark and scary, and...hey look a cookie

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